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Stained Glass Museum

Attractions in Krakow, .

In the Sta­ined Glass Museum exhi­bi­tion spa­ces are blen­ded with the old sta­ined glass work­shop, func­tio­ning since 1902. The visi­tors can obse­rve the pro­cess of sta­ined glass cre­ation unchan­ged since Mid­dle Ages. The buil­ding where the Museum is loca­ted was built espe­cially for the needs of this oldest Polish sta­ined glass work­shop. Its struc­ture has also been unchan­ged, with every cham­ber having its o...

7 Day Forecast For Stained Glass Museum

Our 7 day weather forecast for Krakow updated throughout the day, making it ideal for planning leisure activities, travel and events. Read more about our weather forecasts.

Saturday 27th July 2024

On Saturday 27th July 2024 the sun will rise at 05:03 and will set at 20:31. Today is epxected to be an extremely warm day and people are advised to stay hydrated and use sun protection if going outside. Temperatures today could reach as high as 31.2°C. Today is expected to be a dry day, with a very low chance of rain. There will be a gentle breeze in the air today, with a maximum expected wind speed of 11mph.